Jesus is My Savior

Jesus is My Savior

Jesus is My Savior is the title of a hymn in the Bible, but it’s also a phrase that stands at the center of our faith. The entire New Testament is built around this truth—Jesus Christ alone is Lord and Savior, and only through him can anyone be saved from sin and death. Resource:

The Bible teaches this in several ways, starting with the Old Testament. At the annunciation, the angel tells Mary to fear not; she’s found favor with God, and she’ll conceive and bear a son. And then, when the angel speaks to Joseph, he says, “And you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Luke 1:21) This is a powerful promise. Jesus—Yeshua—is the one who is capable of saving us from our sins, and it’s His work that we trust in when we accept Him.

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Then, in the Gospels, we’ll hear about how Jesus spent time with tax collectors and sinners. He didn’t hang out with them because they were good; He was with them to show that he, too, is capable of saving sinners. Later, Peter will tell his audience that there is no other name by which people can be saved—Jesus is the only savior of men and women. In a world that prides itself on tolerance, it seems counterintuitive for Christians to claim exclusivity about their Savior, but Scripture affirms this—Jesus is the only one who qualifies as Savior.