How to Pass Turnitin Without Getting Caught

how to pass turnitin

How to pass turnitin is one of the biggest problems for students in college. Students who are caught plagiarizing their work face serious consequences such as failing their course or expulsion from school. This is why many students try to find ways to cheat Turnitin, the plagiarism detection software. But if you do this, you will likely be caught because the system has sophisticated algorithms that can tell when a student is trying to trick it.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can pass Turnitin that will not get you caught. The best way to avoid plagiarism accusations is by paraphrasing, which involves writing your own words in your own sentence structure instead of copying directly from a source.

Another common way to pass Turnitin is by changing the format of your document. For example, some students have suggested replacing letters like “N” with foreign-language characters that look similar (i.e. the Cyrillic “P”). This trick works because Turnitin uses a database of similar-looking characters from different languages to recognize when a word is being changed to conceal plagiarism.

Lastly, you can also try changing the format of your paper to PDF. This will change the way your text is interpreted by Turnitin, and it may prevent it from matching your paper to existing sources. However, this method is not foolproof and can be easily detected by teachers. Moreover, it is not recommended because it could damage your computer. Therefore, the safest way to pass turnitin is by hiring a professional writer.